PTA Elections on 27th October 2016 at 7pm sharp, in the Parish Room.
PTA Information and a Nomination Forms have been sent to all parents. These should be completed and returned to the school by the closing date/time of 2.10pm on Tuesday 25th October 2016.
Eligible candidates will be listed on a ballot paper which will be handed out to attending parents/guardians on the night – each attendee will have one vote and will select a candidate from the ballot paper. Votes will be collected and counted and nominated representatives will be announced on the night.
Following the casting of votes, the current PTA have invited renowned parenting expert Mary Mulchrone to give a talk on parenting primary school- aged children. Mary is highly regarded and experienced in this field not least from being a mother of 6 children herself.
The talk will take about an hour and will be followed by a question and answer session. At the end of the talk, the newly elected members of the PTA will be announced.
Mrs Mulchrone is giving her time freely to the school but a voluntary donation to the Peter McVerry trust will be taken on the night – we would be most grateful if parents would make a contribution as they see fit.
The PTA invite parents to retire to Cusack’s afterwards if you would care to join them.
PTA Elections & Parenting Talk
Posted in PTA.