Following on from our hugely successful campaign to get a traffic warden for our school crossing, Dublin City Council have informed us that, commencing Monday October 10th 2016, we have been allocated two new School Wardens – Kathleen and Anthony – to assist with the safe journey to school of all our pupils.
The new School Wardens will be located on the pedestrian crossing on North Strand beside the school and their hours of operation will be from 8.30am to 9.10am and 2.05pm to 2.40pm.
The School Wardens have been appointed on the understanding that pupils and parents will avail of the service in order to reduce the number of vehicles entering Waterloo Avenue and the surrounding areas, particularly to alleviate the congestion when going to and from school.
Parents are asked NOT to park at or near the school crossing or the school gate, this area should be kept clear at all times.
Please co-operate with the School Wardens at all times by obeying their instructions when crossing. Don’t forget to say hello and make them feel welcome to our community!