Models in the making …. some fantastic artwork by Miss Godfrey’s class this week
Continue readingEaster Raffle Winners…
The Easter Raffle always brings such excitement to the school. Congratulations to all of our winners, here are pictures of some (but not all) of them. Huge congratulations to Hollie who took home the Top Prize hamper of chocolate goodies “Fame at yard time” – a delighted audience greets our Top Prize Winner 🙂 […]
Continue readingCharleville Mall Library visit this week
Visiting Charleville Mall Library this week was the turn of our fifth class pupils and our infants…..we are paving the way!
Continue readingGood Manners Challenge
Congratulations to Miss Walkin’s 1st & 2nd class students who are the worthy winners in WEEK 2 of our “Good Manners Challenge” Congratulations to Miss Gordon’s Junior & Senior Infants who were the first of our worthy winners in WEEK 1 of our “Good Manners Challenge” The trophy is up for grabs each week…who […]
Continue readingProject Work…
Some very interesting projects completed by Ms Davey’s 3rd and 4th class pupils.
Continue reading6th Class visit to Charleville Mall Library
Our students in 6th class have been studying World War 2 in History class and as a way to bring history to life, they went on a visit to our local Dublin City Council Library at Charleville Mall. Librarian, Anne Gannon, had a very special treat for the students because, apart from showing the children […]
Continue readingLitter Free Zone…
… keep an eye out for our colourful posters dotted around the school.
Continue readingSchool presentation to the Capuchin Day Centre
Our church service took place on Wednesday to celebrate the feast of St Patrick. We were delighted that so many of our parents, guardians and friends were able to join us in the church. We were also delighted to welcome Brother Kevin and Alan Bailey from the Capuchin Day Centre who kindly accepted our invitation […]
Continue readingCelebrating World Book Day – March 2022
Our pupils had a very exciting time this week – our youngest children were welcomed to the senior room for their very first visit! While some of our seniors dropped in to the other classrooms to do some “buddy reading” sessions. Happy smiley faces all around (even under the masks) 🙂 Some favourite characters came […]
Continue readingAdditional school closure
UPDATE March 2022: In light of the additional bank holiday approved by Government, the school will be closed on Friday 3rd June thereby increasing the bank holiday weekend closure from June 3rd to June 7th inclusive. Please update your calendar accordingly.
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