School Wardens Appointed

Following on from our hugely successful campaign to get a traffic warden for our school crossing, Dublin City Council have informed us that, commencing Monday October 10th 2016, we have been allocated two new School Wardens – Kathleen and Anthony – to assist with the safe journey to school of all our pupils. The new […]

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St Columba’s and The Arts Council

Congratulations to everyone at St Columba’s NS who helped the Arts Council launch their report on participation in the arts by primary school children on 5th October 2016. The children from 2nd to 6th class proved themselves to be  to be media stars as they discussed their views on ‘The Arts’ with journalists from all […]

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PTA Elections & Parenting Talk

PTA Elections on 27th October 2016 at 7pm sharp, in the Parish Room. PTA Information and a Nomination Forms have been sent to all parents. These should be completed and returned to the school by the closing date/time of 2.10pm on Tuesday 25th October 2016. Eligible candidates will be listed on a ballot paper which will be […]

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Newsletter September 2016

Welcome Back To School – Please see the September Newsletter for our latest (and hopefully informative!) news. Our Newsletters are sent out  by email to all parents in our school. If there is news which we have missed out or if there is something which you think should be included, please use our Contact Us […]

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Welcome Back!

Welcome back to the re-launched St. Columba’s National School website! We hope to make it as useful and informative as possible and will be adding to it all the time. Please bear with us as we put together the structure and content.  We’d also welcome suggestions through the Contact Us page. Thank you.

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